2ND SUNDAYS - Teen Worship @ 11am in Blue Room
THURSDAYS - Teen Bible Study @ 7pm
Trunk or Treat
The New Beginnings Fellowship Church invites the community to our annual Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 31 from 6-8 pm. We also need volunteers to decorate your car trunk and/or donate candy to make this event successful.
We will be taking candy donations after each service in the main lobby beginning in October. Please sign up below to volunteer.
Kickball Tournament
NewB Nation invited all teens and the church family to participate in a Kickball Tournament on Saturday, September 7, from 3 to 6 pm at Lee Road park.
Worship and Arts Night
NewB Nation hosted a special Worship and Arts night on Friday June 28th at our East Campus. This night's purpose was for teens to showcase their God-given gifts and talents to other teens at NewB as well as other partnering churches. Check out the full night on the NewB Nation YouTube Channel.
NewB Nation Scholarship
Graduating seniors and college students at New Beginnings had the opportunity to apply for scholarships to assist with their next steps.
Graduation Recognition
On Sunday June 9th, we recognized all of our 2023 graduates for their hard-work and achievement.